Keep Delivery Efficient, Effective and Sustainable

  • April 16, 2020
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Factors eCommerce Shippers Should Consider   Efficient, effective and sustainable order delivery is critical for online retailers seeking to meet customer expectations while controlling costs. According to Herm Curk, partner and executive vice president at OSM Worldwide, achieving efficiency requires a careful balance between packaging, technology, delivery cost and speed,

Automation, Robotics and Warehouse Workplace Safety

  • April 16, 2020
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Advancements in Technology Yield Positive Results  While the demand to have packages delivered faster and more efficiently continues to grow, the safety of those working in your warehouse should not be sacrificed. In a recent article in Supply & Demand Chain Executive, OSM Worldwide’s Vice President of Operations, Jess

Logistics Strategies for the Extended Peak Season

  • April 16, 2020
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Are You Ready?  Peak season is quickly approaching. Every year, consumer demand for faster delivery and real-time package tracking increases. Now is the time to prepare and take steps to exceed their expectations. OSM Worldwide provides insight in The Logistics Point magazine’s October issue feature, “Rising to the Peak: Logistics Strategies for the Extended Peak Season”. Take a closer look so you can be prepared.